Apex Legends have introduced a crossplay feature in which players that use different gaming platforms can compete together. That means the PC gamers, PlayStation gamers, and Xbox gamers can play together. Let us look at how to set up Apex Legends crossplay.

Set-Up and Play Apex Legends Crossplay

Setting up crossplay in Apex Legends is almost the same on all platforms. Whether you are on PC, PS4, or Xbox, follow along the steps to correctly set up Apex Legends cross-play feature. Initially, to crossplay as a team, you have to add the player on other platforms as your friend. To do that,  Now invite your friend to the game party. The invitation will pop up on your friend’s homepage. Accept the invitation and you can play together. You have to only add your friend once for crossplay. After adding for the first time, you can easily invite them to join the party and play together. If you wish to remove your friend from the friend list, leave the game party and go to the friend list. Click on the friend’s profile from the list and click on remove. After removing a player from your friendslist, you no longer can play Apex Legends cross-play as a single team.

Fix Apex Legends Crossplay Issues in Xbox

In some Xbox consoles, there might be some issues while setting up Apex Legends cross-play. This can be because the play with people outside the Xbox option will be denied. To enable this follow the below steps.  Having crossplay features in a game is a great feature. Even if you and your friends are using different platforms, you can easily pay together with this feature. Games like apex legends implemented this feature in their games. If you are still troubled about how to play apex legends with your friends from other gaming platforms, here is your solution. Hope this solution has helped you. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.


How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 95How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 21How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 75How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 23How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 50How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 69How to Use Apex Legends Crossplay to Play with Anyone on Any Console or PC - 3